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Regular Teeth Cleanings Can Protect You from Future Tooth Decay

February 6, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — todaysdentaldayton @ 9:25 pm

A woman at her dental visit.You’ve probably heard it all the time. From your parents, your teachers, and your babysitters growing up, that sugar rots your teeth. “Don’t drink that soda! You’ll lose your teeth by the time you’re 18!” Your parents may have yelled at you. But now that you’ve grown up, have you ever considered how that process happens in the first place?

Technically sugar is not the sole cause of cavities and tooth decay. Technically, it’s the reaction that occurs in your mouth after you drink that soda or eat that sugar cookie. According to your dentist, knowing this may just be the budge you need to take the steps to reduce your sugar intake. That and regular teeth cleanings.
